So Twitter – being Twitter – did not raise the amount of characters that are allowed per tweet. The character limit was 140, and apparently it will be staying 140 for a while. However, to assuage the disappointment of millions of users, Twitter did make a few much-desired accommodations: from now on, all quoted tweets, images, GIFs, and videos will no longer be counted toward the character limit.


But it gets better. According to an article on Daily Mail, “Twitter will also be adding a new button to enable users to retweet and quote their own tweets.” Concurrently, an article on The Verge had some additions to the good news:

The company is also testing out new replies that will omit usernames of the people you are replying to from the character limit. If you reply to multiple people at once, Twitter omits all of them from your tweet, according to a GIF the company shared.