There’s nothing like a cool glass of lemonade on a hot summer day, and as a kid, what better way to make money than to capitalize on people’s thirst? But lemonade stands have become less and less common as more local police crack down on kids selling lemonade without a permit. Country Time Lemonade is proposing a solution; they’re offering to pay any fines or permit fees kids get while trying to sell lemonade.

Calling the campaign “Legal-Ade,” Country Time is offering to pay permit fees or fines incurred from lemonade stands, up to $300. The company states it will give out up to $60,000. Any child fined for running a lemonade stand can have their parent apply for a reimbursement. The parent simply needs to upload a photo of the fine or permit, describing what their child’s lemonade stand means to them.

The promotion isn’t just for this year. For every retweet the Country Time Legal-Ade video receives, the company will donate $1 toward next year’s fund, up to $500,000.

This campaign was announced at almost the same time three boys in Denver, Colorado had their lemonade stand shut down. The boys were trying to raise money to help an underprivileged child in Indonesia. The outrage surrounding that incident will likely work in favor for the Country Time campaign, but even if not, Country Time’s latest advertising idea is fresh and fun!