On January 24th, 1984, Steve Jobs showed the world the first Mac computer, and brought the relatively unheard of computer company into the modern day – a time where many don’t know a world without Apple products.

Before Apple offered that first Macintosh computer for $2,495, almost all computers fell outside the general public’s price range, and more importantly were confusing and required some sort of class to be used effectively.  Apple’s Macintosh changed all of that, and started a new chapter in the current age where everyone has an affordable computer or 3 in their home.

The Macintosh was not an instant hit, and it wasn’t until the software and supporting hardware, like MacPaint, drag-and-drop icons, or the mouse began appearing that the machine grew in popularity.  Now, Apple stands at the head of the pack in terms of innovation and computing excellence, with products like the iMac, iPod, and iPhone.

On January 25th, 2014, many of the original Mac team members will convene at the Flint Center, where Steve Jobs first unveiled the Macintosh 30 years ago.  Stay tuned for what is sure to be an interesting event.