Concise content is key, less is more, and short is sweet: these maxims have definitely proven to be true when it comes to crafting social media content. If you want to engage audiences, capture their attention, and gain exposure online, you must think small.

Naturally, it is easier said than done. Sometimes, 140-characters seems way too limiting to our free speech. But a simple change of mindset can make that easier. Rather than thinking “I have to make this short,” think “bite-size”.

Your readers are craving content from you, but they don’t have the appetite (nor the time) to read a full-blown post. So give them something they can consume while “on-the-go.” Content that is easy to share, easy to read on mobile, and obviously pertinent will go far in helping to connect with your followers, but without burdening (or bombarding) their accounts.

For more fun and useful food analogies for snackable content, check out this infographic, curtesy of Marketo:

This infographic, found via Social Media Today, was originally created by Column Five for Marketo. Originally posted on Dashburst.