Businesses need to have a positive presence on social media. Cicero once said that a man must not only be a leader, but he must also appear to be a leader. As it is with Cicero’s man, so it is with a business’ social media pages. Here are some basic tips on how to be a leader on social media by strategically engaging your users:


  1. Mention your followers in your posts.
    This is a good way to show appreciation for your followers, users, or even fellow business partners. Tagging people shows that you are an open and friendly company.
  2. Make fanfare about new products or developments.
    People will want to know about what is happening in your company, and what better outlet to use than social media? Be careful though—do not make too much fanfare. If you start to go overboard, people will be more likely to perceive your posts as spam.
  3. Post inspirational or amusing pictures.
    People are inevitably drawn to pictures, especially intriguing pictures. Posting such pictures will increase user interest, as well as diversify your page’s content.
  4. Share other people’s content.
    This is a good way to avoid being a self-centered business. Not only does it show that you care about your neighboring businesses, but it also gets your own name out there via those other businesses.
  5. Engage in conversation on other pages.
    This is a good way of organically expanding your influence. Actually going out and conversing with people on other pages widens your reach as a business. In doing so though, be sure to avoid controversy and do not say anything that would hurt your business’ reputation.

Thanks to Unspoken for the original article.